Drop in Office Hours: MW 1:30-3:30
Office Location: General Academic Building (GAB) 405
Virtual Drop-in Office Hours via Zoom (Zoom ID 207 526 8265)
Click here to schedule a virtual or in-person office hours appointment
at times other than the above "drop-in" hours.
Contact Information
E-mail: wcherry@unt.edu
Mailing Address: |
Department of Mathematics |
| University of North Texas |
| 1155 Union Circle #311430 |
| Denton, TX 76203-5017 |
| |
Delivery Address: |
Department of Mathematics |
| General Academic Building, Room 435 |
| University of North Texas |
| 225 S. Avenue B (Avenue B at Mulberry) |
| Denton, TX 76203 |
Research Interests
I have done work that can be considered complex analysis, number theory,
and algebraic geometry. I am especially interested in connections
between rational solutions and functional solutions to systems of
algebraic equations. For instance, consider the equation of the unit circle,
x2+y2=1. This equation has many
rational solutions, such as (3/5)2+(4/5)2=1,
coming from Pythagorean triples. The unit circle equation also has the
"functional solution" (sin t)2+(cos t)2=1.
On the other hand, if n>3,
then xn+yn=1
has only a few rational solutions (this is
Fermat's Last Theorem/Wiles's Theorem or the
Mordell Conjecture/Faltings's Theorem, depending on what one means by
"few" and "rational"). Similarly,
xn+yn=1 has no
non-constant "entire function" solutions -- this follows easily from,
for instance, the Uniformization theorem. One area I often work in is
a field called "p-adic" analysis. Working with functions of p-adic numbers
is sort of halfway in between algebra and analysis, so the idea is it might
help us understand how functional solutions are related to rational solutions.
Another area I work in is Nevanlinna theory, which extends the Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra to meromorphic functions. Finally, I have research
interests in classical complex analysis, particularly using geometric methods
to better understand various inequalities.
Graduate Advising
If you are a UNT mathematics graduate student looking for an advisor
and are considering asking me, here is some basic information.
- I can advise masters students on a variety
of topics in complex analysis, number theory, algebra, or geometry.
Former students have done projects with me in topics like
elliptic curves
with connections to
primarility testing
factorization, and on algebraic
points of small
Feel free to drop by my office to discuss your interests with me.
click here for a list of my publications
or click here to find my preprints on the arXiv.
Click here to see my author profile
in Mathematical Reviews.
Click here to see my citations
according to Google Scholar.
Look me up
in the Mathematics Genealogy Project.
Educational/Professional History
click here for a brief description of my
educational and professional background
Maple Tutorial
Fun and Games
Beautiful Numbers, by
John R. Swallow
[American Scholar 64 (1995)]: A delightful essay
written by a graduate school colleague of mine about his transformation from
a first-year graduate student to a successful mathematician and scholar.
I recommend this essay to new graduate students struggling with deciding
what to study, who to choose as an advisor, and finding one's personal
mathematical aesthetic. |
Ludic Proof: Greek Mathematics and the Alexandrian Aesthetic,
by Reviel Netz [Cambridge, 2009]: A book I am looking forward
to reading about the literary qualities of mathematics and commonalities
between writing mathematics (which I mostly understand)
and writing poetry (which I mostly don't understand, but admire nonetheless).
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